A Heart Health Breakthrough
That Delivers FAST Results!

PhytAge Laboratories has created a groundbreaking cardiovascular protection formula containing perhaps the best source of Hidden OMEGA 3 FISH OILS you'll ever find. Unlike other fish or krill oil on the market today, HEART BEAT 911™ has superior benefits that also come along with it.

  • Helps Lower Blood Pressure
  • Bolsters Healthy Cholesterol
  • Works to Reduce Bad Triglyceride Levels
  • Powers Up Your Metabolism
  • Helps Shed Unwanted Body Fat

HEART BEAT 911™ contains both EPA & DHA, the Missing Omega 3’s your body so direly needs, and it contains them in a form that will deliver your body maximum absorption, so you can fully support your heart health and help protect it from strokes, hardening arteries and heart failure.

PhytAge Laboratories uses only the very best ingredients, all of which are manufactured in state-of-the-art facilities, with strict adherence to good manufacturing practices (GMP). We're very confident that you'll love this product, and because of that we offer a 100% money-back guarantee.

  • 100% American Made
  • Distilled to the highest possible purity
  • Made with sustainably caught fish in clean, American waters...

Change your life for the better. Change your life today.

Get HEART BEAT 911™ now.


When you order today, Heart Beat 911™ will be shipped to your home or office within 7 business days by UPS/FedEx or USPS.

We recommend giving the product a trial run of at least 90 days for best results, but you should be feeling its effects within 7 days.

As a dietary supplement, take one (1) softgel, 2-3 times daily with meals.

Heart Beat 911™ is as safe as a daily multi-vitamin. It is not a medication. It’s a natural product that is safe to use for healthy men and women. However, if you currently have a medical condition or are taking medication, I would show a bottle to your doctor or pharmacist before taking. Pregnant women and youth under 18 should not use.

bottle label
bottle label

Get Heart Beat 911™ Now!
100% Guaranteed.